Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The High Cost of Junk Foods Essay Example For Students

The High Cost of Junk Foods Essay It is 9oclock around evening time, you went to class from 8am to 12pm and afterward you went to work from 1pm to 9pm what is the main thing at the forefront of your thoughts; cooking, schoolwork, McDonalds for sure about simply rest. This is a normal day for me consistently and the main thing I consider is getting my shoes off and simply plunking down to unwind. I don’t want to remain over an oven or making anything my first idea is the drive-through for a quick and simple feast. The time is takes to go shopping for food contrasted with sitting in my vehicle and trusting that my food will be given to me is a major contrast. Consider the looking for an hour or two and afterward you need to return home to empty some staple goods you just purchased contrasted with simply conveying a solitary paper pack in and eating at that moment no preparing, heat in your face and no dishes to wash at long last. We will compose a custom paper on The High Cost of Junk Foods explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Too looking at the expense of your bill toward the finish of that shopping trip and toward the finish of that drive-through will be a major contrast. At the point when you are â€Å"dirt poor† or close â€Å"dirt poor† you tally each penny you might possibly have and taking a gander at the comprehensive view the drive-through looks shabbier and simpler. I feel that there are a wide range of perspectives to this subject, you spend a ton now on staple goods however you have food to last you for about fourteen days or significantly progressively, at that point burning through $10 or $15 consistently for one or perhaps more suppers in only one day. Likewise one other point is shoddy nourishment, chips, treats, brownies and so forth.; appear to be so much cheape.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Production Management Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd

Question: Talk about the Production Management for Hawkesbury Cabinets Pty Ltd. Answer: Presentation Creation and Operations Management is a piece of the board in any business that manages the utilization of information crude materials, preparing and creation, showcasing and dissemination of products and ventures that are fit for customer use (Kumar et every one of the, 2009). Along these lines, it is worried about how a business deals with its tasks with the goal for it to meet the clients needs and fulfillment. Notwithstanding, creation frameworks or procedures are the exercises that are associated with getting crude materials and preparing them in the ideal that will fulfill a purchasers needs and needs just as make the administration fulfilled (Vidal et every one of the, 2002). These exercises are normally sorted out and are lined up with the clients needs and the businesss targets and objectives (Mentzer et al, 2008). This exposition will talk about the operational issues that are testing Hawkesbury Cabinets restricted (as expressed for the situation study). Operational issues are the issues that are associated with the creation procedure, advertising, circulation of items, running of the business and dealing with the whole business exercises (Kleindorfer et al, 2005). Hence, the paper will distinguish these issues and give an answer for some of them. As expressed for the situation study, Hawkesbury Cabinets utilizes diverse creation forms and in its business exercises and activities. It is the businesss convention to concentrate on uniquely crafted cupboards for their clients. They just made the cupboards in the wake of accepting a request from their clients with the specific points of interest and realities of what the client needed for their bureau. This thusly implies the business utilized the specially made creation process. This where the item is made simply after the client has given his prerequisites, qualities and realities about what sort of item or administration they need (Hockley, 2010). This technique is acceptable in light of the fact that the maker doesn't have the foggiest idea what the client wants and doesn't take risks of mystery thus he/she depends completely on the clients data. On account of this procedure, the business started to make great benefits, deals expanded and it began to get famous in the locale. This accordingly prompted the business being relegated an agreement to create high caliber and normalized cupboards for little spec manufacturers. Be that as it may, the agreement required Hawkesbury to make the cupboards in little clumps which were intended for one to five kitchen cupboard details. This shows Hawkesbury Cabinets utilized the clump creation process in its tasks. In this sort of creation process, a movement goes through a useful division in type of bunches or parcels yet with every action having its own distinctive directing (Vidal et al, 1997). In this procedure, the business may make a bunch of an item and afterward set up the hardware again to have the option to make another result of similar qualities or even of various attributes relying upon what the item is and what the client requires (Kouvelis et al, 2006). Favorable circumstances Plant and the apparatus are adaptable along these lines better usage. Fulfillment in employments and better tasks of the business exercises. Advances practical and specialization. Low interest in plant and apparatus. Has low creation lead time and cost. Inconveniences Material taking care of, creation, arranging and control gets mind boggling. High set up costs brought about by the regular changes in hardware and machine set ups. Be that as it may, the cupboards that were made through this procedure began getting essential to Hawkesbury Cabinet. They were representing 40% of the businesss industrial facility volume and 20% of the business income for Hawkesbury Limited which implied a major improvement for the business as far as its activities and creation preparing strategies. As per the data given for the situation study, Hawkesbury utilizes a solitary assembling office where both the custom and normalized cupboards are made and sold. The custom bureau making hardware is intended to deliver an assortment of bureau structures which implies that it is profoundly adaptable. The business has likewise gathered the machines, gear and instruments as per their utilization in various areas of the office. For example the saws and cutting tables are put away in one area, switches and shapers in an alternate segment, painting and completing done in an alternate segment to name just yet a couple of segments of the business parcels. This clearly shows Hawkesbury utilizes additionally the large scale manufacturing process notwithstanding the specially made and cluster creation forms. Research shows that in this creation procedure, a business centers around creation of huge amounts and assortments of merchandise or administrations with ease per unit however in a similar structure and utilizing a similar hardware and machines (Thomas et al, 1996). It includes normalization of both the item or administration and the procedure succession, devoted extraordinary gear and machines that have high creation limits and yield rates, enormous volumes of items with brief timeframe cycle, simple creation and arranging process just as treatment of the materials consequently. By the by, this procedure has its impediments and favorable circumstances (Kouvelis et each of the, 2006) Preferences The stock procedure is low. Higher limit use and pace of creation. Low or decreased preparing process duration. Less number of gifted representatives are required. Low creation cost per unit. Constraints The line format needs major and successive changes as per the item configuration changes. Breakdown of one preparing machine may stop the whole creation process. High speculations are required for the creation offices. The utilization of this procedure has carried a positive effect on the Hawkesbury Limited business. The cupboards that are shown by the business after finishing are in this way ready to mirror the craftsmanship of the individual producers just as the great nature of the crude materials utilized. Nonetheless, there was a negative effect in the way that the normalized and the uniquely crafted cupboards went after consideration from the specialists during creation which was not a decent sign for good business the board and activities. From the contextual investigation, Hawkesbury Cabinets Limited expanded its deals of the developers cupboards which was achieved by the expanded line of manufacturers kitchens which prompted the administration accomplishing more stir booking to keep up the businesss creation rate just as looking after it. Be that as it may, the hand crafted cupboards were given need since they generally gave higher deals and overall revenues. This in this way implied the normalized cupboards were to be put aside without absolute finishing rather were left as work in progress for some time (Barrile et each of the 2002). It is clear that Hawkesbury Cabinets was along these lines utilizing work shop creation process where the vast majority of the items are typically not complete yet left as Work in Progress (WIP) which are contained in various phases of creation forms. This procedure includes high assortment of item however with low volumes, exceptionally gifted workers are required, enormous material, data sources and instruments inventories, great arranging is required and utilization of broadly useful machines and hardware (Handley et each of the, 2009). Favorable circumstances A huge assortment and measures of items are created by utilizing the broadly useful gear. Workers abilities are very much used consequently making them increasingly skillful and had some expertise in their employments. Constraints Huge working space required. Creation arranging is confused and complex. This procedure realized expanded development of the business when all is said in done, custom kitchen cupboards deal stayed solid and that of the manufacturers expanded quickly. By the by, this procedure caused progressively negative effects, similar to: decline in net revenues, significant expenses identified with developers cupboards, expanded capital being tied up in crude materials stock, WIP and completed item, absence of enough space for work and for extension among different issues that were caused. This prompted the businesss choice to recruit or lease the close by stockroom space with the goal that it can oblige the business tasks and items. End To finish up, it is apparent that Hawkesbury Cabinets utilizes probably the best, well known and popular creation forms that are viable for such a business. Nonetheless, according to work shop item creation process, it needs to do a few changes since this is the procedure that has prompted the most number of negative effects in Hawkesburys tasks (Gupta et every one of the, 2009). Something else, the business can improve without the activity shop creation process. References Barrile, S. furthermore, Cameron, T. (2002).Business administration. South Yarra, Vic.: VCTA Pub. Gupta, S., Koulamas, C. furthermore, Kyparisis, G. (2009). E-Business: A Review of Research Published in Production and Operations Management (1992-2008).Production and Operations Management, 18(6), pp.604-620. Handley, S. furthermore, Benton, W. (2009). Opening the business re-appropriating process model.Journal of Operations Management, 27(5), pp.344-361. Hockley, L. (2010).Global tasks the executives. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Kumar, S. what's more, Suresh, N. (2009).Operations administration. New Delhi: New Age International. Kleindorfer, P.R., Singhal, K. also, Wassenhove, L.N., 2005. Practical tasks management.Production and activities management,14(4), pp.482-492. Kouvelis, P., Chambers, C. also, Wang, H., 2006. Flexibly chain the executives research and creation and tasks the board: Review, patterns, and opportunities.Production and Operations Management,15(3), pp.449-469. Mentzer, J.T., Stank, T.P. what's more, Esper, T.L., 2008. Gracefully chain the board and its relationship to coordinations, advertising, creation, and tasks management.Journal of Business Logistics,29(1), pp.31-46. Slack, N. what's more, Lewis, M. eds., 2005.Operations mama

Monday, July 27, 2020

Guest Entry Christina Bognet

Guest Entry Christina Bognet This post is written by the beautiful and talented Christina 10, whose first choice when applying to colleges was admittedly NOT MIT, but is quite possibly the funniest (and happiest) Baker biology genius I know, as well as a poignant and accomplished blogger. Enjoy! *** Precisely one year ago today I sat drinking coffee at a Dunkin Donuts with one of my best friends, Colin, as we chatted about getting into our respective first choice schools early decision. I have a really good feeling for you, Christina, he told me. Ahhhh, I dont know. Probably not. But you…youre getting into MIT. I know it. How could they not take you? We agonized and fantasized over getting The Big Envelope (or in Colins case, The Tube) until both we and the pterodactyls in our stomachs were exhausted. The days leading up to decisions were sickeningly brutal and wonderfully exhilarating all at the same time. There would be hopeful, Im getting in! Im getting in! moments, followed by, theyll never take me, moments. It was difficult to decide whether optimism or pessimism was the better approach and neutrality seemed impossible. As much as I tried to be rational in convincing myself that things would turn out okay, at the end of the day, the facts remained: I wanted to go to School A and I needed to get in. Period. I checked the decision online, put my head in my hands and sobbed. They were not tears of joy. Flash forward one year. Im sitting in my dorm room looking out at the beautiful Boston skyline, taking a break from my 5.111 problem set. I had dinner a few hours ago with the very same Colin who was accepted to MIT on the day I was deferred from what I thought was my dream school. I have grown so much in the past year and in watching my friends and myself trudge through the college admissions process, Ive gained a lot of perspective. I dont know how it ever got to the point where I put so much emphasis on a place that seemed perfect at the age of 18, that I actually feel as though my happiness was contingent upon my acceptance into a college. I only realize now how preposterous that truly is. Two of my best friends were rejected from their first choice schools and yet are completely in love with where they ended up and roll their eyes when reminded of how much they thought they wanted to be somewhere else. As for me, I love MIT. I really do. Im lucky and blessed to be here and SO grateful my dream school deferred me. But to say I wouldnt have been happy somewhere else is unreasonable and silly. The truth is, and maybe you cant see this yet, its going to be okay. Its going to be better than okay. However, if youre anything like my old self, if you dont get the news you are hoping for on Saturday or in April, youre going to experience this crazy whirlwind of emotions. Youre going to feel sad, angry, apathetic, confused, and defeated. But somewhere in there, youre going to have this isolated moment where you think to yourself, WhatEVER. Im going to succeed anywhere. And when that feeling comes… hold on to it and never let go.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Great Emancipator By President Abraham Lincoln

The Great Emancipator While in office, President Abraham Lincoln led the country through the Civil War, he is most known as being responsible for the abolishing of slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.† Technically speaking, the Emancipation Declaration did not actually abolish slavery in itself, rather it led to the 13th Amendment, which did end slavery in January of 1865. At brief glance, the Emancipation Proclamation’s sole purpose appears to be a humanitarian effort towards the abolishment of slavery. However there were two factors to consider that can be contradictory; the first being that Lincoln wasn’t particularly fond of black people to start with; the second, is the military advantage that would present itself if the succeeded states lost ownership of their slaves. To start, it has been written Lincoln expressed feelings towards blacks that contradicted the sympathetic view many have come to think of Lincoln as having in regards to slaves. For instance, on August 21, 1858 during one of seven debates with Stephen A. Douglas, who was a U.S. Representative that Lincoln was challenging for his seat:â€Å"I will say here, while upon this subject, that I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. I have no purpose to introduce political and social equalityShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1456 Words   |  6 Pagesbe the same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illness. John Wilkes Booth, a master assa ssinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murderRead MoreAbraham Lincoln: Great Emancipator or Common Politician?1487 Words   |  6 PagesPresident Abraham Lincoln has been revered as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States. He is known for his great effect on slavery and served his terms during the civil war in a time of great controversy. The American Civil War (1860-1865) occurred at the exact time of Lincolns presidency (1861-1865). The North and the South were divided and a big issue was slavery, on which Lincoln took an anti-slavery stance. Lincoln has been called many things because of his views fromRead MoreAbraham Lincoln : Vampire Hunter971 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Lincoln is an American President who hasn’t been overlooked in the decades following his death. His character still lives on today as he resonates through popular American culture. Many books and movies have be en produced about his life to show the role he played in our history and the impact he had on our country. The most recent film, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, captivated audience’s attention with a riveting tale about our sixteenth president hunting vampires. The film contains someRead MoreThe Views On Lincoln s Presidency1738 Words   |  7 PagesLincoln’s opinions and policies toward slavery, and the unification of a nation as a whole, I distinguished that several authors have contending visions of Lincoln’s actions during his presidency. Some authors (Dirck, Guelzo, Striner) portray Lincoln as the great emancipator in depicting him as a crusader whose main purpose during the Civil War was only to accomplish the abolishment of slavery. In contrast, some authors (Escott, Gates, Foner, and McPherson) maintain a more critical stance on Lincoln’s decisionRead MoreThe Myth Of Abraham Lincoln1291 Words   |  6 PagesLincoln was a man of many talents tha t helped form the myths we know today and that most of those myths are well justified. With Lincoln being a man solidified into history and mythology, have the myths overshadowed the facts that truly made his life historically worthy or is it that within every myth lies an element of fact? The myths about Abraham Lincoln are ones of much debate leaving some to say that they accurately depict what Lincoln was and some see them as an embellishment of the truthRead MoreThe Great Emancipator : Abraham Lincoln894 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln became the president of the United States of America in March of 1861. While he led the country through one of the worst wars in the history of America, he is most known for abolishing slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation, thus giving him the nickname of â€Å"The Great Emancipator.† There are a great amount of debates on whether Lincoln was worthy of this title, one reason being that the Emancipation Declaration was limited and did not abolish slavery,Read More Abraham Lincoln and Slavery Essay1617 Words   |  7 PagesAbraham Lincoln and Slavery Many Americans believe that Abraham Lincoln was the â€Å"Great Emancipator,† the sole individual who ended slavery, and the man who epitomizes freedom. In his brief presidential term, Lincoln dealt with an unstable nation, with the South seceding from the country and in brink of leaving permanently. The differing ideologies between the North and South about the economy and slavery quickly lead to civil war. It was now the duty of Lincoln to maintain the unityRead MoreThe Log Cabin Lincoln By Carl Sandburg Essay2166 Words   |  9 PagesWEEK EIGHT- The Log Cabin Lincoln Between this week’s article by Carl Sandburg, â€Å"Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years† and the movie Young Mr. Lincoln, we got a chance to delve into Abraham Lincoln’s younger years as a boy growing up in Kentucky and a young lawyer starting his career in Illinois, respectively. As I read through the Sandburg article I noticed that the author focused a lot on young Lincoln’s humble roots, and I think this had a lot to do about the time in which it was written, 1926Read More Lincoln In American Memory by Merrill D. Peterson Essay1852 Words   |  8 Pagesnumerous commemorations to the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Merrill D. Peterson, author of Lincoln in American Memory, examines an interesting variety of sources, including statues and prints made of Lincoln over the years in addition to the numerous biographies written, and attributes three prominent images to the legacy of Abraham Lincoln: Savior of the Union, the Great Em ancipator, and the Self-made Man. From the moment Lincoln died on Saturday, April 15, 1865, theseRead MoreAbraham Lincoln s Political Legacy856 Words   |  4 Pagesof the book Abraham Lincoln’s political legacy is looked at. It goes in depth on how during the Reconstruction, the republican party essentially ruined the South for twelve years by instituting puppet governments that constantly raised taxes but provided very few public benefits (7). This chapter talks also talks about how the republican party stole money from the raised taxes. It seems like the main goal for the government at this point was to become an empire under Abraham Lincoln and his business

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Vision And Mission Of Ankur Yuva Chetna Shivir

INTRODUCTION Ankur Yuva Chetana Shivir is voluntary organization. It was established in 8th August 1986 under society registration act 1860.The NGO started with this primary mission as a grass root level NGO; they realized that people themselves are the best judge of what they need. The main aim of the NGO is to convert individual dreams into a collective consciousness through community convergence and participatory approach with the tools of self as well as social awareness; we endeavour to help the community understand how to convert its latent dreams into reality. The vision and mission of ANKUR YUVA CHETNA SHIVIR IS: ‘HELPING PEOPLE TO HELP THEMSELVES’ PROJECT MUSKAAN ActionAid and Unicef collaborated together for the first project on Establishing Community Based Grievance Redressal Mechanism in two districts – Badaun and Maharajganj in 2014. The project was a pilot project and emphasized working extensively at the local level to create a demand based quality improvement mechanism in the two districts. The core of the project was to work with the most marginalized communities in both the districts to strengthen the grievances redressed system under RTE and improve access and quality of education in the two districts. This project specifically inclined towards strengthening the local communities, through Panchayats (village councils), School Teachers, School Management Committees (SMCs) and duty bearers and empowers to ensure the Right to Education Act is

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study Free Essays

string(59) " their financial accounts globally \(Barclays PLC, 2004\)\." [pic] London School of Commerce MBA E BARCLAYS PLC AND ABN AMRO CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT London UK As one of the world’s leading banks, with 135,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Barclays plays a significant role, from working with governments on major infrastructure projects to bringing banking to customers in emerging markets. Barclays is made up of two major businesses: Global Retail and Commercial Banking (GRCB) and Investment Banking and Investment Management (IBIM). There strategy is to achieve growth through time by diversifying their profit base making their growth relevant to their customers at all times. We will write a custom essay sample on Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now This case study will seek to examine the bid and intended acquisition of ABN AMRO, and the early acquisition of Banco Zaragozano by Barclays, the differences in performance of these two banks based upon the strategic a economic motives, focusing on the merger acquisition, and strategy implemented to effect improvements to reflect the results from 2002- 2006. 1. Evaluate Barclays strategy over the period of the case and prior to the ABN bid, paying particular attention to the global industry drivers and the group? s performance from 2002-2006. In order to understand the context that helps to formulate the strategic performance changes at Barclays PLC over and prior bid for ABN AMOR. Barclay? s’ origins can be found back in 1690 to John Freame and Thomas Gould. The named changed to its present form when James Barclay became a partner in 1736. Presently, Barclays is the third largest bank in the United Kingdom. The institution’s primary focus is in retail banking, investment banking as well as investment management. Barclays operates in 60 countries with major point of interest in Europe, the United States, Asia, and Africa. Barclays is one of the ten largest banks global when measured by market capitalization (Barclays PLC, 2004). The institution’s core business revolves around retail and investment banking, and it is the later that is being impacted by forces acting upon liberal market economies in varied European Union member states as a result of the aforementioned introduction of the Euro as well as globalization. As a result of the preceding, Barclays services the United Kingdom market as well as providing services to multinational companies located in differing market models. Barclays strategy. The bank’s strategy is to offer a full portfolio of services worldwide, providing a wide range of cross-selling opportunities, in order to achieve good growth through time by diversifying its business base and increasing its presence in markets and segments that are growing rapidly. This is driven by the Group’s ambition to become one of a handful of universal banks leading the global financial services industry, helping customers and clients throughout the world achieve their goals. Moreover, the strategy of the bank is based on the principles of earn, invest and grow. Aligning business drivers with strategic options. The strategic options examined by Barclays were further direct investment or outsourcing to a ‘partner’ bank and these were considered in the context of the bank’s key business drivers. These were:improving their operating model for trade processing; reducing the costs of their trade business in relation to people, infrastructure and services; improving their trade service capabilities and establishing a workable, non-competing, long-term ‘partnership’. After considering all of the options, including a Joint Venture partnership, Barclays decided to outsource the processing aspect of its trade services offering to ABN AMRO and to focus on delivering enhanced client service. Performance Nowadays, the proliferation of banking consolidation within the industry is and has created a new era of international banking conglomerates in the global industry. The preceding is causing European based banks to appear small in terms of relative comparison. Barclays? peration in a liberal market economy means it competes with equity financing for corporations and as such, this does not represent a strength concerning its overall performance base. According to group? s performance from 2002-2006 identifies that Barclays? performance underpinnings are represented by its strategy of acquiring other banking (such as ABN Amro and Banco Zaragozano) concerns to expand its retail as well as other banking services through representation in international marke ts as represented by the bank’s presence in 60 countries. This provides Barclays with the means to sell its highly profitable investment banking services as well as be positioned to service the cadre of multinational companies that utilize its diverse banking financial service packages. On the other hand, ABN AMRO bank has a presence in 76 countries and territories. Using its worldwide network the bank provides universal banking services consisting of commercial and investment banking products to corporate nationally and internationally operating clients as well as personal and private banking customers. In 2007, Barclays announced the proposed acquisition of ABN AMRO bank, in order to expanded their distribution base. The deal was valued at â‚ ¬67 billion. On October, the RFS consortium led by Royal Bank of Scotland, bidding for control of ABN AMRO, formally declared victory after shareholders, representing 86 percent of the Dutch bank’s shares, accepted the RFS group’s â‚ ¬70bn offer. Barclays is known a consistent performer delivering steady profitability results, 20% increase in profit before taxes in 2003, and again in 2004, and one of the lowest cost to income ratios with regard to banks in the UK. The preceding indicates that Barclays is well managed. Barclays? focus on internal administrative consolidation as well as the acquisition of banking concerns represents its recognition in order to maintain growth in revenues, return on equity, dividends and profits in response to maintaining a high market capitalization that tends to make it a relatively unattractive takeover target as a result of the high premium required to acquire it Barclays? retail banking arm is clearly supported by the huge success of its Barclaycard division that has set industry standards in terms of innovations in customer utility. Barclays? resence in 60 countries further strengthens the utility of this card providing business and retail customers with access to their financial accounts globally (Barclays PLC, 2004). You read "Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study" in category "Essay examples" The aforementioned diversity in operations is a result of the economic strength of global industry market based ec onomies that have fully recovered from the global recession events of 2002. Barclays? banking acquisition strategy is a direct outgrowth of the foregoing in keeping with the consolidation mania initiated by U. S. based banks. According to ABN AMRO bank performance, financial results in 2006 added to concerns about the bank’s future. Operating expenses increased at a greater rate than operating revenue, and the efficiency ratio deteriorated further to 69. 9%. Non-performing loans increased considerably year on year by 192%. Net profits were only boosted by sustained asset sales. From 2002 to 2006, the further progress being made as a result of understanding the corrective measures that were and are needed to be taken. Barclays ? performance throughout this period has remained consistent and steady as the bank has not lost sight of the competencies that helped it achieve acceptable historical performance. . Compare and contrast the intended acquisition of ABN with that of the earlier acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, paying particular attention to the merger rationale and the motives in each case and the likely synergy gains resulting from the integration of ABN. According to the drivers of the bidding war that preceded the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO bank and the acquisition of Banco Zaragozano by Barclays in 2003, it is important to understand why merger and acquisition (M) take place and the potential gains of doing so. But first some definitions. Mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions (M) are considered as consolidation strategies where a change of control takes place through a transfer of ownership. A merger is the combining of two or more companies into a single corporation. This is achieved when one company or business purchases the property or some other form of assets from another company. The result of this action is the formation of one corporate structure. This new corporate structure retains it is original identity. An acquisition is a little different from a merger n that it involves many problems being dissolved, and an entirely new company being formed. The main theory of merger and acquisition is synergy, that is, one and one makes three. Through synergy, managers create greater value with the integration of two companies, rather than that of their individual parts. Strategic and economic motives. The strategic of Barclays with the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO bank was to created a big opportunity with the purpose to deliver a new period of faster growth for shareholders in general. Moreover the intended investment would be implemented at a reasonable price slightly below the recent market trading price. The merger for Barclays was focused in a strong financial performance provides clear strategic advantages as well as stature on the world business state. The proposed merger with ABN AMRO, offered a unique opportunity to become a leading force in global retail and commercial banking with an stimate 47 millions customers, in order to increase financial returns to their owners beyond the rate of the stand-alone entities. And the fact that this merger, combining the strengths and values of both businesses, gives them confidence in delivery, both in terms of synergies, and determined in considerable detail by ABN AMRO bank and Barclays, in terms of a clearly defined and transparent management structure that we are putting in place. In terms of growth for shareholders, the combined entity would offers a diversified portfolio, both by geography and by business. Exposure to high-growth developing markets represents about a quarter of the enlarged pro forma profit base. Business segments such as investment banking and investment management, which have as we know strong growth opportunities driven by demographic trendS represent about half of profits For Global Retail and Commercial Banking, the merger would create the fourth largest retail and commercial bank worldwide by market share, and in a world where the needs and buying behaviours of retail and commercial customers are growing more similar, this will create economies of scale. Furthermore, the benefits generate by the merger between both banks would be: complementary networks, a strong presence in attractive European markets; significantly enhanced positions in high-growth developing markets; a much larger distribution network; and the opportunity to deliver considerable economies of scale. The main reason behind Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), has trumped Barclays? offer for ABN Amro. The for each ABN AMRO share, 79 per cent of which will be in cash, with the remainder in RBS shares. The cash element was higher than expected and the bid, valuing ABN at E71bn (? 8bn), beats Barclays? agreed all-share offer, worth E64. 5bn. The deal offers better value for ABN AMRO bank shareholders. And price is not the only factor, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) also combined cost savings would reach E4. 23bn by the end of 2010, easily beating Barclays? estimated savings of around E2. 8bn. In essence the driving force behind the success of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) bid over Barclays was in fact the higher share price expectations offering the perfect icing. That partly reflects the radically difierent strategic visions of the two banks. Barclays is looking to build a huge universal bank where cross-border synergies could be limited. But the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) consortium wants to generate a type of â€Å"in-market synergies†, by breaking-up ABN AMRO. On the other hand, in 2003, Barclays announces the completion of its acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, at a cost of ? 788 million which fit nicely into Barclays’ strategy to grow its business in Europe. Barclays has been present in the Spanish market for 25 years and it the most profitable foreign-owned bank in the country. The acquisition of Banco Zaragozano to its arsenal makes Barclays the sixth largest private bank in Spain (much of the market is dominated by publicly-owned banks) and triples Barclays customer base and branch network. Barclays aimed to be one of the top five banks in the world and for that it would consider acquisition to achieve the goal. Further, Barclays believes that a physical retail and commercial banking presence is a significant enabler of investment banking growth. The acquisition of Banco Zaragozano, shows that strong retail presence generates ood new business opportunities for global businesses such as investment banking and credit cards. The success or failure of a deal also depends on the time horizon over which evaluation is done. Normally, in the short term, stock reactions to merger announcements tend to raise the target’s stock price, while the stock of the acquirer stays about the same. This is normally attributable to the expectation that there will be a bi d that is successful and involves a premium above the current market price of the stock. Acquirer prices stay the same, in general, as the market reacts conservatively, depending on the specifics of the deal. 3. Identify what you believe to the key success factors necessary to sustain competitive adavantage in the global financial services industry and briefly discuss the implications for the firm? s competencies, structure, and ehical/corporate governance. Critical success factors (CSFs) have been used significantly to present or identify a few key factors that organisations should focus on to be successful. As a definition, Critical success factors refer to â€Å"the limited number of areas in which satisfactory results will ensure successful competitive performance for the individual, department, or organisation† (Rockart and Bullen, 1981). Identifying CSFs is important as it allows firms to focus their efforts on building their capabilities to meet the CSFs, or even allow firms to decide if they have the capability to build the requirements necessary to meet Critical success factors (CSFs). The main keys success factors for Barclays in the case study are, with over three hundred years of history and expertise in banking Barclays has seen and has gained a reputation for being a trustworthy and a reliable institution to bank and invest with. This reputation has seen it grow into over 50 countries and become truly universal bank providing loans, investments and protecting the money of over 42 million customers and client worldwide. Another reason for the success of Barclays would be that it follows a simple strategic premise; ‘anticipates the needs of customers and clients and serve them by helping them achieve their goals. Part of Barclays recent success has been their ability to target and identify upcoming emerging markets for example: India, parts of Asia and Africa, namely South Africa, expanding its retail network and cash machine availability. Despite being a truly global corporation from a basic bank account to funding Governmental projects, Barclays focus ha s always been to meet the needs of the individual customer. Furthermore, competitive advantages are difficult to create. It is even more difficult to sustain. Community banks usually can not achieve a cost advantages, especially in head-to-head competition with larger, high-volume institutions. That leaves differentiation as their primary method for creating Competitive advantages. But that approach is also problematic. It is clear that technology is playing a bigger and bigger role in banking. But today most banks are using functionally identical systems to develop and deliver products and services. This uniformity of technology has resulted in commoditized banking – the antithesis of differentiation. So while emerging technology can create a temporary advantage, sustainable differentiation based solely on technology is virtually impossible. To make matters worse, technology has actually eliminated some of the historical advantages enjoyed by community banks. Thanks to CRM, personalized service – once the sole province of community banks – is now possible for even the largest institutions. Sustainable Competitive advantages is created by leveraging organization’s unique blend of attributes – brand equity, reputation, geographic footprint, specialized knowledge – and articulating it clearly and consistently to your market. Barclays is an excellent example of a bank that has achieved Competitive advantages through specialized knowledge. On the other hand, on the global financial services industry corporate governance is essential to the wellbeing of an individual company and its stakeholders, particularly its shareholders and creditors. But sound corporate governance is not just a vital factor at the level of the individual corporation. It is also a critical ingredient in maintaining a sound financial system and a robust economy. And that is why governments have taken such an interest in recent examples of corporate governance failures. It is also why banking supervisors are placing greater emphasis on the role that corporate governance can play in promoting financial stability. In the financial system, corporate governance is one of the key factors that determine the health of the system and its ability to survive economic shocks. The health of the financial system much depends on the underlying soundness of its individual components and the connections between them – such as the banks, the non-bank financial institutions and the payment systems. In turn, their soundness largely depends on their capacity to identify, measure, monitor and control their risks. Barclays have designed good corporate governance policies and practices in order to ensure that they are focused on their responsibilities to shareholders and on creating long term shareholder value, and ensuring that behaviour is ethical, legal and transparent. In firms, structure is basically the best way to organize it, in order to accomplish it is objectives. It acts as the medium that facilitates the accomplishments of the organizational goals. It also helps to identify the key activities of the organizational processes and how they are coordinated. Moreover, successful strategy implementation depends to a large extent on the firm’s primary organizational structure. A primary organizational structure comprises the firm’s major elements, components, or differentiated units. Other means of getting organized are through reward systems, coordination terms, planning procedures, alliances, information, and budgetary systems. Geographical structure It is common in firms that have grown by expanding the sale of their products of services to new geographical areas. In these areas, they frequently encounter differences that necessitate different approaches in producing, providing or selling services or products. The key strategic advantage of this structure is responsiveness to local market conditions, a clear example of that is the intended acquisition of ABN AMRO and the early acquisition of Banco Zaragozano. To conclude, after being satisfied with its progress in the United Kingdom, Barclays decided to make its name international by going abroad which was another great move. In the United Kingdom, Barclays had acquired many other small banks, such a Banco Zaragozano, gained large market and profits with each acquisition. As a result of this growth, this company had reached its maturity stage within UK itself; it has reached its peak of growth. Further, Barclays, performance throughout 2002-2006 has remained consistent and steady as the bank has not lost sight of the competencies that helped it achieve acceptable historical performance. Bibliography †¢ Barclays PLC. 2004. Annual Report. Barclays PLC, London, United Kingdom. †¢ Calmfors, Lars, Driffil, John. 1988. Centralisation of Wage Bargaining. Vol. 6. Economic Policy Dammann, N. 2008. The Bidder Competition for ABN AMRO: A Strategic Analysis and Implications †¦Bachelor tesis. †¢ Esping-Anderrsen, Gosta. 1990. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, United States. †¢ Foster, S. Reed A. , Nesvold P. 1999. The art of M A: a merger, acquisition, buyout guide. Fourth edition. †¢ Friedman, Thomas. 1999. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. P 105. Anchor Books, New York, New York, United States †¢ Hall, Peter, Soskice, David. 2001. Varieties of Capitalism: The Insitutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. Ireland, D. , Hoskisson, R. , Hitt, M. 2008 Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases. Second edition †¢ Monks, R. , Minow N. 2008. Corporate Governance. Fourth edition †¢ Rockart, J. Bullen, C. , 1981. A primer on critical success factors. Center for Information Systems Research Working Paper No 69. Sloan School of Management, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. †¢ Tibergien, M. Pomering. 2005. R. Practice made perfect: the discipline of business management for financial. Bloomberg. How to cite Barclays Plc and Abn Amro Case Study, Free Case study samples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tourism and Rizal Park free essay sample

Rizal Park as everybody seen it today is the product of years of painstaking work by thousands of unknown citizens who gave of their time and their labors to create something of beauty where there was nothing but yawning wilderness in the very heart of the premier city. Its continued cleanliness and order is a tribute to the people who use it more than to those who tend to it. Here is a park that is used, loved and nurtured by the people who saw it shape up from nothing (http://rizalpark. nationalparks. ph/main. htm, October 9, 2013). Tourist attractions can be natural or man-made. The history and culture of a place are also very important attractions that enhance the natural and man-made attractions found in the place. The history of a place is felt through visits to old buildings and churches, and other places of historical value. Activities for tourist support the tourist attractions that a destinations offers. We will write a custom essay sample on Tourism and Rizal Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These beef up experience of visitors beyond appreciating the attractions. Learning how to do some crafts and more memorable experience for tourists (Libosada and Bosangit, 2007). Rizal Park is in the heart of Manila, a historical mark of Patriotism of the Filipino’s. The park has beautiful gardens, facilities and can be used as venue for a particular event. The Park is considered as the favorite place of tourists both local and foreign to stroll around. This park is truly a sanctuary of all people in different walks of life (National Parks Development Brochure). Background of the Study It has been said that the Philippine tourism industry is in a state of transition, a slow yet remarkable process of changing landscape. For one, since the park host to Jose Rizal’s execution and through the years, been able to evolve from one historic venue of martyrdom to a national park. Rizal Park is one of the largest parks in Southeast Asia, it has an area of 58 hectares which runs from Taft Avenue up to the walls of the famous Manila Bay. It was known as the Bagumbayan field during the Spanish era since this was where the Filipino-Moslems took refuge after the Spaniards occupied Intramuros in 1571. It was also called Luneta, which means Little Moon. For 74 years, it was used as an executing ground by the Spaniards for Filipino rebels and mutineers. By 1902, Daniel Bumham, architect and city planner chose Bagumbayan as the site of the proposed American government center. He designed a U-shaped composition of buildings, but only three were constructed. The Executive House, the Department of Tourism building, and the Department of Finance building. It acquired its present name Rizal National Park in dedication to the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, whose mortal remains were interred in the cornershore of the Rizal Monument in 1912 (http://rizalpark. nationalparks. ph/main. htm). Setting of the Study â€Å"Luneta† came from the French word Lunette which means a crescent-shaped fort, it was the site of â€Å"La Calzada,† the social hub of Manila’s elite. It was also used by the Spaniards by as an execution grounds for rebels and activists, Namely Dr. Jose P. Rizal and his compatriots the three friars, called Gomburza. The park is divided into three sections beginning with the 16-hectare Agrifina Circle adjoining Taft Avenue, where the Department of Tourism and the National Museum of the Filipino People (formerly the Department of Finance) are located; followed by the 22-hectare park proper that extends down to Roxas Boulevard; and terminating at a 10-hectare open field across Roxas Boulevard fronting Quirino Grandstand along the Manila Bay. The 31-meter Philippine flagpole is called kilometer zero, because it is where the distance of the countrys towns and cities is measured from. Just beside the flagpole is Rizal monument, where foreign leaders attend wreath-laying ceremonies during state visits (National Parks Development Brochure). Figure 1 The Map of the Philippines Showing the Strategic Location of Manila Figure 2 Map of City of Manila Figure 3 Map of Rizal Park FIGURE 4 Paradigm of the Study Conceptual Framework The study is focused on the Development of the new Rizal Park and its effects on the local and foreign tourists’ arrivals. The researchers will identify the factors that influenced tourists to visit the destination. The result of this study will help promote the Rizal Park as the Face of the Philippine Ecotourism. This will give them knowledge on how to preserve and improve the destination to attract more local and foreign tourists. It will also give them accurate insights about the effects of the development of the park to tourists. This would be a big help in knowing the evaluation regarding the location, facilities, amenities, safety, security, and affordability, so that the people responsible on governing Rizal Park will be able to know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of the particular site. Paradigm of the Study The paradigm illustrates the conceptual framework of the study, which illustrates how the specific objectives will be answered. This study will tend to find out about the Development of the new Rizal Park and its effects on the local and foreign tourists’ arrivals. Statement of the Problem This study aimed to determine the development of the new Rizal Park and its effects on the local and foreign tourist’s arrivals. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1. 1 Age 1. 2 Gender 1. 3 Nationality 1. 4 Occupation 1. 5 Frequency of visit 1. 6 Purpose of visit and 1. 7 Educational Attainment? 2. What were the perceptions of the local and foreign tourists on the development of the new Rizal Park in terms of: 2. 1 Architectural Design 2. 2 Facilities 2. 3 Preservation of History 2. 4 Safety and Security and 2. 5 Attractions? 3. What were the perceived effects of the development on the new Rizal Park in terms of: 3. 1 Modernization 3. 2 Governance and 3. 3 Increase Tourists Arrivals/ Frequency of visit? 4. What are the frequent Problems encountered by the foreign and local tourists within the vicinity of the Park? 4. 1 Cleanliness 4. 2 Security 4. 3 Entertainment 4. 4 Food and Beverage Establishment (refreshments area) 4. 5 Comfort Rooms and Washrooms Assumption of the Study The study assumed that all respondents answered the questionnaire honestly and to the best of their abilities. It further assumed that the effect of the development on Rizal Park were accurate representation of Tourists perceptions. Hypothesis of the Study There is no significant relationship between foreign and local tourists’ arrival based on the development of the new Rizal Park. The developments made by the governing party led the destination to its growth or decline in the number of tourist’s arrivals. Significance of the Study The findings of this study will benefit the following: Tourism Students. It can be used by CEU and other educational establishments could be given accurate report on the account of the Rizal Park as an important asset and as an expressive tourist attraction. They could be used as future reference especially to those who would make a research in line with this study. It aimed to give them better appreciation of the features and significance of the country’s national park. Local and Foreign Tourists. It as a place for fun, relaxation and recreation. Tourism Industry. It study may provide insights to the tourism industry in their promotion of the Rizal Park as an essential and meaningful tourists destination in the Philippines. National Parks Development Committee (N. P. D. C. ). This study will provide the governing party of the Rizal Park on the effects of the development made. It will also give them insights on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat of the Rizal Park. Scope and Limitation of the Study This study was focused on the development of the new Rizal Park and its effects on the local and foreign tourists’ arrivals. The Rizal Park and Monument was built on commemoration on the National Hero who gave his life for the liberation of their country, Dr. Jose Rizal. The park is indeed a sanctuary to people from all walks of life. It comprises world class sculptures, historical markers, beautiful gardens, facilities for photo and exhibits, event venues, form of entertainment and a dancing fountain. Both local and foreign tourists were be considered to determine the effect of the development of the new Rizal Parks to tourists. Its focus shall include social and economic development in the country which the Park has contributed. On how the modernization, history, security, governance affects the number of tourists arrivals. More importantly, how it influenced the development of tourism industry in the Philippines by including the Rizal park as one of the most notable tourist destination. Definition of Terms For better understanding the following are enumerated: Arrival. It is the number of people who arrive at a destination (Goeldner, 2009). Culture. It refers to the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought that are characteristic of the destination population (Goeldner, 2006). Cultural Heritage. It is defined as monuments and groups of buildings or structures of outstanding universal value from the point of view of history, art or science, and outstanding universal value from historical, aesthetic, ethnological or anthropological points of view. (UNESCO Convention for the protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972) Development. It is mentioned as the modification of the environment to whatever degree and the application of human, financial, living, and nonliving resources to satisfy human needs and improve the quality of human life (Goeldner, 2009) Tourism. It comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year, for leisure business, and other purposes (Goeldner, 2009). Tourism Industry. It is a composite of entities, both in the public and private sectors, engaged in the planning, development, marketing, sales, operations and evaluation of destinations, products and services that caters to the needs of the travelers (Goeldner, 2009). Tourists. It refers to the people who visit the park. They are travelers who visit a destination or attraction which lasts for more than twenty-four hours and requires lodging facilities (Goeldner, 2009). CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents a review of Related Literature and Studies both foreign and local. Foreign Literature Much media attention has focused on the tourism industry on the natural environment. Thus, many countries consider the effects of developing a tourism destination to its surroundings. In fact, some consider leaving an area untouched, to be marketed as tourism destination (Swarbrooke, 1999). Lundberg (1990) viewed that developing tourist destination will help to attract tourist. This will be a cause of an increasingly economic status of a region â€Å"A Grand Canyon†, natural wonder that is, cannot attract visitors unless there is access by road, air or water. Relatively few visitors will make the trip unless there are hotels and motels or even overnight accommodations for RV’s and tents (Lundberg, 1990). As stated by Goeldner and Ritchie (2006) heritage attractions (such as historic sites) and prehistoric and archaeological sites (such as the ancient monuments of Egypt, Greece, Israel, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Mexico, and Peru) also have appeal for those inspired to learn more about contemporary and long-vanished civilizations. Parks, both private and government enterprises operate various kinds of parks, including amusements parks. National parks are often very important parts of a nation’s or state’s tourism. In some countries (such as certain countries in Africa), national parks are their primary attractions. Historic sites have always been popular attraction for both domestic and international travellers. Traveller’s tend to engage in multiple activities when they travel, Thirty percent of the historic/cultural places travellers said this activities where the primary motive for the trip (Goeldner and Ritchie, 2006). International tourism encompasses the activities of visitors who make temporary visit across international borders, outside their usual environment, and remain for more than 24 hours. The primary purpose of travel can be leisure, visiting friends and relatives, business convention or meeting health, education, religion or sport, as tourism involves both consumption and purchase of goods and services by tourists; its impact can affect many sectors, such as transport and tour operators, accommodation attractions and tourism related business (Mowen, 2009). Government policies in progressive and enlightened nations encourage travel, particularly domestic travel, as means of acquainting people with other parts of their country and building appreciation for the homeland. The presence of visitors in a country affects the living patterns of indigenous people (Manila Bulletin, 1992, p. 22) This study is related to the present study because every year there is always a development done in the society, like the development and innovation of a certain area as a tourist attraction. Rizal Park is a historic place that must be maintained and sustained. Local Literature Rizal Park has transformed into a radiant fulfillment of what the Filipino hero himself might have dreamt; a project realized through the awakened and concerted efforts of the people, and without government aid. Just a famous as the man after whom it is named, the park’s common pride that the park can be a living a symbol of the people’s unity and aspiration. It is not just a beautiful park. It is Philippines history captured from the past and preserved for all to see, read and enjoy. Never before have concerts, fashion shows, ballet, and cultural offerings, all of high quality, been brought within the people’s reach as it is now made available to them at Rizal Park. Likewise a symbol of the continuity of purpose, the Park is an edifice wherein each administration has put in stone evidencing its beliefs in and support for the project from the far-seeing administration who marked out the reserved area and resisted attempts to reduce its size; to President Quirino who initiated the construction of the grandstand to President Macapagal who laid the more concrete plans for its modernization, and now to President Marcos and Major Antonio J. Villegas who gave official support to plans that have metamorphosed the park into a thing of matchless beauty. This relates to the present study because it tells about the history of improvement of Rizal Park. This shows the changes during different administrations. This study gives ideas on what they can do to improve Rizal Park today (Altomonte, 2003). Villafuerte, explained that the extent of the impact of tourism and determined by the nature of the main tourist facilities and their attractiveness to the general public. The volume of visitors, the intensity of their expenditures in the country in the degree to which their spending reticulates increasing the number and variety of expenditure outlets attracts more tourists. The extent to which this expenditure recirculates through the economy is the so-called effect. This is related to the present study because it tackles about the impact of tourism in a certain place, like the impact of the tourist arrival in Manila, because Rizal Park is one of the tourist attractions. The attractiveness of the park’s facilities and service increases the volume of visitors (Villafuerte, 1990). According to Philippine (Republic) National Economic and Development Authority, The Philippines will have already established itself as a leading tourist destination area due to intensive promotions and marketing abroad. As a result of the ASEAN complementation program, it is expected that the country will have been included in several multiplier tour packages. As such tourist arrivals will reach unprecedented levels accounted for mainly by sponsors and participants of international conventions as well as by tourist from nontraditional markets that travel for leisure, recreation and business purpose. However, the volume of foreign tourist arrivals will have stabilized in line with the absorptive capacity of the economy and in specific tourist markets that the Philippines will have catered to; tourist arrivals will have assumed a more balanced nationality profile. In the process, tourism will have developed a national sense of pride either through domestic tourism as more Filipinos see the beauty of their country or through foreign tourist as more visitors to appreciate and take pleasure in indigenous Filipino attractions (Manila Bulletin, 1990, p. 46). This study is related to the present study because the writer is concerned about tourism arrival and to improve the tourism destination to attract the foreign and local tourist in the Philippines. Foreign Studies Authors of â€Å"International Urban Traveler,† as the globalization process accelerates and the volume of tourism markets increases, it has become ever more important to understand international travelers with regard to their patterns, perceptions and preferences based on the inbound destination lifecycle model as the conceptual framework for analyzing international travelers. This study shows the implications of tourism industry to government level and company level. In relation to this study, it is true that international travelers perceived more intangible attributes such that they like to know more about the history of the place. Like the Rizal Park, foreign and local tourists visit the place because they are curious, they find peace and relaxation, and at the same time they appreciate its historical and cultural value while learning from it (Kon, 2001). If they develop a tourist destination, it will help to attract tourists. This may cause an increase in economic status of religion, viewed that developing tourist destination which will help to attract tourists. This will be a cause of an increase in economic status in religion, â€Å"A Grand Canyon†, a natural wonder, cannot attract visitor if there is a poor access. But if there are at least hotels and motels or overnight accommodations for RV’s and tents. The visitor paying 300USD a day at a resort or hotel expect a great deal more; perhaps sand beach. The Lundberg book is related to this study because this tackles about the possible effect if they improve a tourist destination. The only difference is that Rizal Park is a man-made attraction and there a lot of hotel in the area (Lundberg,1990). Intermediate Leisure and Tourism, the National Parks are particularly aware of the negative impacts can have on the environment. Although they recognize that tourism is important to local economy, their aim is not to try to stop visitor. It is to help reduce their negative impact on the environment. Unlike national parks, built attractions are usually set up especially for tourists. Even so, the surroundings area may suffer because access roads cannot cope with the added volume of traffic. The result is huge for frustrating traffic jams which pollution and affects both tourist and local people. Unless they are carefully designed, new building house attraction can also spoil the Existing landscape or built environment (Chan,1998). This study is related to the present research because this gives to the entire tourist, like the problems that they may encounter as they visit the places, like traffic, pollution and crowd in Manila. Add on to that, they will also be aware of the do’s and don’ts as they visit the place. Local Studies Rizal Park, as is seen today is the product of years of dedicated and painstaking effort by thousands of known and unknown citizens who gave of their time and their labors to create beauty where there was nothing but yawning wilderness in the very heart of our premier city. Here is a park that is used, loved and nurtured by the people who saw it shape up from nothing. Now, Rizal Park is administered by the National Parks Development Committee an attached agency of the Department of Tourism. Funds for the improvements of parks are generated from government appropriations and donations from government and nongovernment sectors. The statues in this park are more than a permanent tableau to this important page in Filipino history. It has a vibrant historical significance which should be passed thru generations to generations for everyone to broaden this educational and cultural horizon and improve the feeling of self-worth that would create a favorable worldwide image of the country’s national park. (Department of Tourism, Annual Report, (Manila Bulletin,1993, p. 39). Every exclusive barrier dignitaries visiting Manila gets his first glimpse of the country’s history by strolling along the park, making a floral offering to the Rizal monument, looking at the significant spots that dot area. Indeed, Rizal Park has blossomed into a radiant fulfillment of what the Filipino hero himself might have dreamed. A project realized through the sincere, cooperative efforts of many citizens and through the support of the different administration for all time. Through this study everybody can compare Rizal Park from what it was before and, what it is today. (Myra F. Gatus, The Perception of Foreign and Local Tourist on the Facilities and Services of the Rizal Park: Its Impact to Tourist Arrival in Metro Manila). Fort Santiago, formerly an old Spanish garrison, is now a very pretty park from its rich history. Like Rizal Park, its serves as a historical `shrine of Dr. Jose Rizal, who was detained the prior to this execution in 1896. Fort Santiago contains Rizal’s memorabilia together with his last poetry â€Å"Mi Ultimo Adios. † Rizal’s last poetry can be found in an engraved that makes the exact spot where he died in Rizal Park. (The Rizal Park Walking Tour, DOT and NPDC brochure. ) Synthesis The Rizal Park is a flagship of freedom and courage as numerous political rallies, oath takings, and national events held in the area. There is no other place in Manila where one can find serenity and diversity than Rizal Park. More than just a place to stroll around the park is indeed a sanctuary to all people. CHAPTER 3 Method and Procedures This chapter includes the methodology of the study, subject with study, sampling technique, procedure of data gathering and the statistical treatment used in this study. Method of Research The descriptive method of research was used in this study. Descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study with the adequate and accurate interpretation of the findings. It describes what currently exist, like current conditions, causes and effects relationship, trends, situations and interpretations of such data, since the study deal with the assessment of existing amenities and services concerning the possible alternatives towards a more vibrant Rizal Park. (Calderon, J. F. and Gonzales, Expectacion C. , 1993. Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, Inc. , p. 62) Descriptive research or study is primarily concerned it finding out â€Å"what is†, in an investigation. It seeks to see a holistic picture of a study by gathering data that describe events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts, and describes the data collection. (Mildred B. Go et. al. , 2012. Business and Research Writing Manual, Centro Escolar University. , p. 27) Sampling Technique The researchers used the simple random sampling technique that is a method of selecting a sample from a statistical population so that every sample that could be selected has a predetermined probability of being selected. It is a subset of individuals chosen from a larger set of population. The technique is chosen because each member of the total population under the study has the same chance or equal opportunity of being selected. The Criteria in Choosing of Respondents were: 1. The respondents must be of legal age. 2. Respondents who has visited Rizal Park. 3. The respondents are capable of understanding the questionnaire given to them. 4. Respondents must be foreign and local tourist. 5. A respondent knows every part or corner of Rizal Park. Subject of the Study The subjects of the study are mainly local and foreign tourists who visited Rizal Park. These one hundred nine (109) are chosen to be the respondents study. They were randomly selected by the researchers. Subject is defined as a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures or someone who is an object of investigation (Webster’s Dictionary Special Encyclopedic Edition, Springfield, Massachusetts, 2007). Validation of Questionnaire The questionnaire was further scrutinized to correct its content validity before distributing to the final respondents. The researchers constructed the questionnaire with the sample of thirty (30) people will be picked randomly to serve as a sample of the whole population. And the one hundred nine (109) is for the population. Procedure of Data Gathering The researchers prepared a set of questionnaires in gathering the data from the respondents. The questionnaire consists of five parts. The first part of the questionnaire included the profile of the respondents such as: age, gender, nationality, occupation, frequency of visit, purpose of visit and civil status. The second part perception of Rizal Park. The third part perceived effects of the development of Rizal Park. The fourth part frequency problem of Rizal Park. Questionnaires were distributed randomly to the visitors of Rizal Park. The respondents were given an ample time to answer. The accomplished forms were then collected afterwards, on Part V, includes the interpretation of data gathered, which are as follows Statistical Treatment of Data The data gathered, were tailed, analyzed, interpreted and recorded using the following: 1 Frequency and Percentage was used for problem 1. It was used to tabulate the data, with as corresponding frequency for each category and it described the distribution of scores to be obtained. These frequencies were converted to the rate. Percentage to make quantitative comparisons of the profile of the respondents. (Rosita De Guzman Santos et al. Ph. D. , Statistics, Manila: CEU 2010, pp. 29-62) 2 Weighted Mean of the total number of the respondents and give interpretation to the mean of the respondents answer. The researcher’s purpose for this is to give each data their proper degree of importance. Legend: ResponseLikert Scale Strongly Agree 4. 50-5. 0 Agree 3. 50-4. 49 Minimally Agree 2. 50-3. 49 Disagree 1. 50-2. 49 Strongly Disagree . 50-1. 49 CHAPTER 4 Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data The chapter is principally concerned with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered from the respondents. This also contains the presentation of data in tabular forms with its correspondent’s interpretation. In this chapter, the data collected was based on the result of the questionnaire distributed by the researchers to local tourist as the respondents of this study. Based on outcome of the data gathered the following tables are enumerated: 1. Profile of Respondents 1. 1 Age. Table 1 shows that most of the Respondents’ age belongs to; 18-22 years old has a frequency of 53 or 48. 62% followed by 23-27 years old with a frequency of 13 or 11. 93%, 28-32 years old with a frequency of 11 or 10. 09%, 33-37 years old with a frequency of 10 or 9. 17%, 38-42 years old with a frequency of 5 or 4. 59%, 43-47 years old with a frequency of 7 or 6. 42%, 48-52 years old with a frequency of 5 or 4. 59%, 53-57 years old with a frequency of 1 or 0. 92%, and 58-62 years old which got a frequency of 3 or 2. 75% and 63 years old and above frequency of 1 or 0. 92%. TABLE 1 Respondents’ Age Age F % 18-22 years old 53 48. 62 23-27 year old 13 11. 93 28-32 years old 11 10. 09 33-37 years old 10 9. 17 38-42 years old 5 4. 59 43-47 years old 7 6. 42 48-52 years old 5 4. 59 53-57 years old 1 0. 92 58-62 years old 3 2. 75 63 years old and above 1 0. 92 Total 109 100% 1. 2 Gender. Table 2 shows that most or 57. 80% of the respondents are male, 42. 20% are female. TABLE 2 Respondents’ Gender Gender F % Female 63 57. 80 Male 46 42. 20 Total 109 100% 1. 3 Nationality. Table 3 shows that majority of the respondents’ nationality belong to Filipino has of 70 or 64. 22% followed by American of 15 or 13. 76%, Korean of 11 0r 10. 09%, Chinese of 8 or 7. 33% and Japanese/Papua new guinea which got of 5 or 4. 58%. TABLE 3 Respondents’ Nationality Nationality F % Filipino 70 64. 20 American 15 13. 76 Korean 11 10. 09 Chinese 8 7. 33 Japanese/Papua New Guinea 5 4. 58 Total 109 100% 1. 4 Occupation. Table 4 shows that majority of the respondents’ occupation belong to student with 58 or 53. 21% followed by white collar job has which 18 or 16. 51%; blue and gold collar job has 15 or 13. 76%; and lastly red collar has with of 3 or 2. 75%. TABLE 4 Respondents’ Occupation Occupation F % Student 58 53. 21 White Collar Job (office employee, secretarial, administrative, clerical and managerial) 18 16. 51 Blue Collar Job (teachers, miners, construction, farmer, shop workers, factory workers, service workers, mechanical and maintenance) 15 13. 76 Gold Collar Job (engineers, doctors, lawyers) 15 13. 76 Red Collar Job (government workers) 3 2. 75 Total 109 100% 1. 5. Frequency Visit. Table 5 shows that majority of the respondents’ visit the parks yearly with 40 or 36. 76%; followed by monthly with 20 or 18. 34%; weekly with 16 or 14. 67%; quarterly with 15 or 13. 76%; semi-annually with 13 or 11. 92%; and everyday with 5 or 4. 58%. TABLE 5 Respondents’ Frequency of Visit Frequency of Visit F % Yearly 40 36. 76 Monthly 20 18. 34 Weekly 16 14. 67 Quarterly 15 13. 76 Semi-Annually 13 11. 92 Everyday 5 4. 58 Total 109 100% 1. 6. Purpose of Visit. Table 6 shows that majority of the respondents’ purpose of visit are excursion with 47 or 43. 11%; followed by business with 33 or 30. 27%; educational trip 16 or 14. 67%; and tour package inclusion with 13 or 11. 92%. TABLE 6 Respondents’ Purpose of Visit Purpose of Visit F % Excursion 47 43. 11 Family Bonding 33 30. 27 Educational Trip 16 14. 67 Tour Package Inclusion 13 11. 92 Total 109 100% 1. 7. Civil Status. Table 7 shows that majority of the respondents are single 72 out of 109 or 66. 05%, while 33 are married out of 109 or 30. 27%, and 1. 83% or 2 of the respondents are separated and widowed/widower. TABLE 7 Respondents’ Civil Status Civil Status F % Single 72 66. 05 Married 33 30. 27 Separated 2 1. 83 Widowed/Widower 2 1. 83 Total 109 100% 2. The Perceptions of the local and foreign tourists on the development of the new Rizal Park in terms of: 2. 1 Architectural Design. Table 8 shows that Rizal Park the respondents’ Strongly-Agreed on Rizal Park showcases the history and culture of the Philippines with of 4. 26. Most of the respondents believed that the Rizal Park are established to protect more recent records of human activity, in which special measures are taken to protect the features of historical interest. Subjects of the study â€Å"Agreed† on the following: Rizal Park is a portrait of strength of the Filipino having with of 4. 16; The Park is a blueprint of structural variations with of 0. 35; and the Rizal Park is a representation of uniqueness with of 3. 85. TABLE 8 Respondents’ Perception on Rizal Park’s Architectural Design 2. 1 Architecture Design SD VI 2. 1 Rizal Park is a portrait of strength of the Filipino 4. 16 0. 33 Agree 2. 2 The park is a representation of uniqueness 3. 85 0. 33 Agree 2. 3 It showcase the history and culture of the Philippines 4. 26 0. 41 Strongly-Agree 2. 4 It is a blueprint of structural variations 3. 98 0. 41 Agree Total 4. 06 0. 37 Agree 2. 2 Facilities. Table 9 shows the perceptions of the respondents on the facilities of Rizal Park. The subjects of the study â€Å"Strongly-Agreed† that the park is applicable for all ages with of 4. 26. They, also â€Å"Agreed† on the following: the Rizal Park has sufficient amount of chairs and tables with of 4. 16. The park is an evidence of the creativity of Filipinos which got with of 3. 98.